Dimineata v-am spus ca Real Racing 2 HD a fost actualizat pentru a fi compatibil cu tableta iPad 2 ce a fost lansata de Apple cateva ore mai tarziu. V-am spus totodata ca, ChAIR va lansa un nou update pentru jocul Infinity Blade care desigur ca va face aplicatia compatibila din punct de vedere grafic, cu noul chip grafic al iPad 2. Aplicatia a fost lansata intre timp in AppStore si iata ce aduce nou :
- ChAIR loves you, so we are giving you EVEN MORE awesome content in the ultimate update – for free!
- Now optimized for iPad 2 – Includes high-resolution graphics that fully utilize the enhanced visual capabilities of the iPad 2.
- Descend into the dreaded dungeons, and unlock the God King’s darkest secret…
- More than 10 new Enemies to defeat – the Wood Jester, the Iron Guard, the Plated Sorok, the Warden, and more!
- Finish the game and then continue to build your character with NewGame+! Re-master any item! Unlock new items in the store! How high can you climb?
- More than 30 all-new magic rings, swords, shields, helmets, and armor! Collect and Master them all!
- Multiple Character slots, new Achievements, more Leaderboards, dodge button size slider, and audio volume controls!
- Now optimized for iPad 2 – Includes high-resolution graphics that utilize the enhanced visual capabilities of the iPad 2.
Infinity Blade
Descriere: Winner of more than 20 Game of the Year & Top App awards! Tons of NEW FREE CONTENT available now! See below for more details.
Cea de-a treia aplicatie special actualizata pentru iPad 2 este Dead Spce a companiei Electronic Arts. Dead Space este un 3rd person shooter a carui actiune este plasata intr-un viitor in care voi trebuie sa luptati impotriva raselor extraterestre care se afla in razboi cu omenirea. Jocul este destul de interesant insa nu exceleaza la prea multe capitole, dar haiteti sa vedem ce aduce nou :
- NOW FEATURING LOOK SENSITIVITY AND Y-AXIS INVERSION! You asked for them, and we delivered! Download the NEW UPDATE and further customize your controls.
- Look Sensitivity – Now modulate your Look Sensitivity to navigate the Dead Space environment at your preferred pace. Move quicker and increase the intensity!
- Y-Axis Inversion – Set your controls just the way you want. With more intuitive control of your movement you can concentrate more completely on strategic dismemberment!
- Visceral graphics enhanced for the iPad 2 – Get pulled deeper into the horror and suspense!
- SPECIAL NOTE: HAVE AN iPAD 2? Be sure to DOWNLOAD THE NEW UPDATE and make your game compatible with your new device.
Din pacate versiunea pentru iPad 2 a dead space 2 nu este inca disponibila in AppStore Romania dar probabil va fi pana maine.